Sunday, October 14, 2012

I enjoy creating treasury lists on Etsy. Here is my latest compilation. Fall is my favorite time of year, as is said, change is the only permaent thing!! Enjoy fall and all the changes of color, texture and experience.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Chicken Coop

Here are pictures of the chicken coop, and a little back ground info. My husband is a wonderful builder. He made the chicken coop, fencing included. It is efficient and safe. Nothing can get in and the chickens can't get out. We have space for about 18 hens. We started out with 15 birds, all chicks. As they grew we noticed that 6 of them were male. So 5 of them got put in the pot. Chicken and rice, is yummy!!! We kept one male, he is a New Hampshire Red. Very vocal and aggressive. I carry a stick with me every time I go in the coop now. We have 9 girls, 8 of whom are laying. One, aptly named, Samantha, (the white hairy footed gal) is not laying yet. I am working with her, I think she needs special nesting space/material. There are three Dominicker (spotted black and white girls) and 3 Rhode Island Red, hens. And 2 New Hampshire Red (more orange than red to me and sister to the rooster whose named, Rooster Cogburn or Ringo Star depending on the day). We had 3 all white chickens but they all turned out to be male. :( The original thought I had was to be an "international chicken coop", no racial profiling in my coop!! :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Welcome to First Egg Designs

Welcome to first egg designs... I created this blog to share bits and pieces of my life on a farm. That and to have a link to my etsy shop, also named First Egg Designs. I like to make things, greeting cards, plum jelly, poached eggs from my chickens, sorry can't sale those on etsy, thanks for asking though!!??... So who knew that rural farm life could be so rewarding? I enjoy walking my two dogs, Sadie and Duke,(half Jack Russell/half Pekingese) about 4 times a day around the farm. We walk the property line in search of adventures... we have seen bunny rabbits, squirrels, gopher turtles, turkeys and sometimes in the late evening will we spot several deer. And will they try to get me to run, as they chase after said critter? YES!! One would think I would be in better shape!! In addition to raising eggs to both eat and sale, I am ministering to my father-in-law. He is a WWII veteran who now needs live in care. It is both challenging and rewarding at the same time. Today I had to wait for one of my chicks to get off the nest, she had 4 eggs under her. Who knew that chickens like to lay in the same nest. They are fun to be around and they sure love their treats. ( cracked corn, meal worms, sunflower seeds, fresh cut grass, and when in season muscadine grapes) Stop back in from time to time as I will update the blog with cool vintage finds for "First Egg Designs" and pics of farm life.... If you have to be an egg, be the best egg you can be! %) Blessings. Mary